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Chaos Deathmatch v1.1 Manual - Weapons Part 2

The Airfist

The legend returns! It's back, the first passive Quake1 weapon that was invented ages ago! Blast players, items and everything else into the air; lift your opponents up to the ceiling and watch them take a free flight! Use it to nudge them from edges or to push that BFG your enemy was about to grab into the lava! Try the full defense potential of this weapon by sending grenades (even proxies) back to their master. ( A tip: try this baby on a rocket or a green BFG plasma bolt!) And for the most reckless of you: point the Airfist to the floor and pull the THIS is repulsion! (In combination with the Antigrav Belt a very good substitute for the Jet Pack!)

airfist.jpg (16806 Byte)
Command for weapon class: Command for weapon
bind 5 "cmd class5"

Predefined key: "5"

bind X "use airfist"

Predefined key: none

The Flash Grenade

Throw this thing into the sightline of your opponent and watch him stagger around firing blindly! ....'cause he can't see you or anything else!
...That's the reason why this is called a Flash Grenade!! Got it? Another good move is to throw it at the floor while running, as a little present for your chasers. Great to escape!

flash.jpg (11743 Byte)
Command for weapon class: Command for weapon
bind g "cmd grenades"

Predefined key: "g"

bind X "use flash grenades"

Predefined key: none

The Poison Grenade

Maybe we'd better call them LSD-Grenades! When they explode they pump a huge amount of poisoned spray into the surrounding air. So don't be near them when they detonate! The results can be fatal: the next fifteen seconds are like having drunk a bottle of green tequila through a straw!

poison.jpg (9214 Byte)
Command for weapon class: Command for weapon
bind g "cmd grenades"

Predefined key: "g"

bind X "use poison grenades"

Predefined key: none

The Grenade Launchers

I just want to note that all the grenade types ,shown above, are also compatible with the standard grenade launcher. This is a little hint for all those Quakers who are wondering the whole time how they can get THIS damn grenade over THAT damn abyss to THOSE other damn Quakers over there!?!

launcher.jpg (15579 Byte)
Command for weapon class: Command for weapon
bind 6 "cmd class6"

Predefined key: "6"

bind X "use grenade launcher"
bind X "use flash grenade launcher"
bind X "use poison grenade launcher"

Predefined key: none

The Laser Mines

Pop it onto a wall, on the floor, the ceiling or anything else. One second later a deadly laser emits out of the mine straight through the room till it stops on another wall or door. If you prepare a room with them you will see one opponent marching in and two half opponents coming out! So don't, Don't, DON'T walk across the lasers! Ok? Tip: Set them up pointing onto a closed door. That's a rude and nasty surprise for anyone who comes in! ;) Hint: Due to the fact that they don't fit in any grenade launcher they can only be placed by hand!

BTW: Laser mines cannot be placed on spawn-points anymore. Also they explode after the first "victim-touch" "laser-cheaters" who insist on running  around the level and placing a laser on every spawn-point, don't have that trick to get any "free frags" anymore! :)

laser.jpg (17079 Byte)
Command for weapon class: Command for weapon
bind g "cmd grenades"

Predefined key: "g

bind X "use laser mines"

Predefined key: none

The Living Proximity Mine Launcher

NO, these guys aren't the proxy mines everyone knows! Leave them  somewhere you know your enemies will hang around! If the mines 'see' an opponent they won't just explode, they'll CHASE 'em and explode afterwards, if they're near enough. If the player hauls ass and runs immediately, he might be able to escape these devilish smileys. But don't forget where you dropped them. They USUALLY won't hunt their master...but get too close and they might "accidentally" blow up!

A special: You can switch your proxies on and of by hitting the 'P' or typing "togglegrenades" on the console. Try to prepare a room with a whole  bunch of them in 'deactivated' mode and activate them after you watch someone run into your trap! (Very funny to hear 10 "YIPPEEEE's" in combination with one scream of surprise and panic. Another tip: They now also try to kill enemy turrets! Very nice if that damn enemy base is guarded by two turrets and you only have your blaster left....and some proxies!! :) Yeah... let 'em have it!!

NEW: Beware!...the Proxies are now SO dangerous that they sometimes have a short-circuit! They're, in general, little psychos at heart, and not all that tame OR loyal! You already know they blow up if you get too close, buuuttt... it seems SOME of them have nastier tempers and are PISSED OFF at the whole idea of being made to serve you. They would much rather hunt YOU once you free them!!! "Go get 'em boys!!.. no.. NO!.. go THAT way! Get away from me!! OH SH*T!!" :)

proxy.jpg (18485 Byte)
Command for weapon class: Command for weapon
bind 6 "cmd class6"

Predefined key: "6"

bind X "use proxy mine launcher" 

Predefined key: none

Extra keys:
'P' to deactivate/activate

bind P "togglegrenades"


Copyright © 1998 by Chaotic Dreams